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God-lover, singer, poet, writer, mother, friend. Author of Song of Unborn Child.

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

The Rain is Coming

Does it look quiet to you, there on your knees? . . . It's Coming.

Do you feel the expectancy, there on your knees? . . . It's Coming.

Is your vision soaring higher, there on your knees? . . . It's Coming!

Do you feel the drops of water falling on your head, there on your knees? . . . IT'S COMING!!!

STRIKE THE GROUND AGAIN . . . it's coming. THE RAIN IS COMING . . . can you see that small cloud? Revival is coming and righteousness is being raised up.

HE . . . IS . . . SENDING . . . RAAAIIINNNN!!!

Photograph: kneeling in prayer, unknown